Thermal insulating
Thermal Insulation System for Exterior is positioned in the market, compared to other systems, like a more operational and effective solution when the problem of thermal insulation of walls is presented in rehabilitation work in service. Adds value to buildings with the intervention outside the edificicación. Improve the image, durability, comfort and livability without disturbing the life or activity within the farm.
It requires action inside the houses. Complete prevention of thermal bridges pillars and slabs. Protects the front of the weather. Protect building structure thermal cracks rights. It reduces the space. The cost / performance is excellent.
Currently in new construction projects and successfully executed work on precast concrete, hollow concrete block, thermo-traditional hollow clay brick without air chamber with the consequent saving of useful surface area and in some cases, the most innovative , projecting the system on and plasterboard partition plates OSB13 board on wood or steel structure.
System Benefits
Energy savings:
- Winter heat loss decreased by 70%.
- Warm summer interior reduced by 30%.
Cost savings:
- Reduced heating.
- Lower utility costs for air conditioning.
- The insulation lasts the life of the building.
- No maintenance.
- Repayable in five years or so.
Improving the livability and comfort:
- Elimination of thermal puntes.
- No more internal condensation.
- No more mold in homes.
- No more moisture seepage.
- Healthier Environment.
Entire outer Improvement:
- Rain water impermeability.
- Protection of thermal shock structure.
- Correction of cracks in the veneer.
- Does not require demolition.
- Radical renewal in the image of the farm.